Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque
- 23.04.2021.
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Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque was the first mosque in the world to receive electric illumination Read More
The City Hall was solemnly opened April 20, 1896, used for governing and administrative purposes. After the Second World War City Hall was put on disposal to the National Library and remains in that function until the aggression against BiH. In the night between August 25 and 26, 1992, City hall was hit by flammable artillery missiles. The fire destroys the City Hall, together with the huge library fund of the National-University Library of about 2 million units. The renovation of the City Hall starts in 1996 and lasts until 2014, and the complete reconstruction has been done according to the original documentation. The reconstructed City hall is officially opened on May 9, 2014 on Day of Europe and the Day of Victory over Fascism. Today, it is used in festive occasions at the state and city level to promote events from culture, art and economy, with constant and occasional museum settings, regular sessions of the City Council, and the variety of usage seems to be bigger than ever before.